See How Primitive Reflex Integration Can Help!
What do these all have in common?
Specialists have found that children with brain based learning disorders have something in common, Primitive Reflexes that did not disappear by the age of one as they should have. They have also found that by doing simple exercises they are able to suppress them. This in turn has been proven to help them improve significantly. Let’s help them together with these simple Primitive Reflex exercises!
You have come to the right place!
We work hard to collect, collaborate, publish, and teach the most successful and cutting edge techniques and breakthrough research coming forth to help children struggling with Learning Disabilities, Hyper Activity, ADHD, ADD, and even Autism Spectrum Disorders with or without medication.
Primitive Reflex Integration is a remarkable way to help children and adults. Join our email below to learn more about it.
How did my child’s disability start?
Children and Adults with learning disabilities and spectrum disorders are extremely bright and above average in some areas, but struggle with academic abilities, sensory regulation, social interaction and impulsivity control. There is usually a weakness in an area or areas of the brain that are causing the disruption of processing. This contributs to Learning Disabilities and a range of disorders.
Brain development is like building highways. The brain develops from the base up . As a child grows, new neurological connections and pathways are formed like an intricately woven web of information highways. Primitive Reflexes that persist beyond age one are believed to interfere with normal neurological development.
If one or more areas have a slight underdeveloped weave of connections, the information highways that develop above them cannot connect properly. Information gets trapped or disconnected like gridlock. This can affect mental and physical abilities, as well as health.
What we do to help:
We provide free at-home tests to pinpoint the retained Primitive Reflexes. We offer Primitive Reflex exercise cards and Primitive Reflex video trainings on the proper way to integrate (or supress) them.
Why is this coming forward now, after all of these years? What is the new research?
There is still so much more to learn about the brain. New research and information is continually coming forth about the brain and how it functions. Brain imaging equipment has improved that shows active and underactive areas which provide scientists physical evidence of what is happening inside the brain of children and adults suffering with Autism, Attention Deficit, Hyper Activity, ADHD, and other Learning Disabilities. In our generation, many of the mysteries are being unfolded. What they are finding is there is no one culprit, but several that can be corrected to help achieve a healthy mind.