Dyslexia and Auditory Processing
What Is The Connection? Do you ever feel like ‘Why doesn’t that kid listen to me?!’ There is a reason your child acts like they are not listening to you. They may also come across as if they are ignoring your command or getting only part of a...
Palmar Reflex and Dysgraphia
As I embarked on a journey to understand various learning disabilities and primitive reflexes, I frequently pondered the connection between the Palmar Reflex and dysgraphia. Through extensive research and learning from numerous sources, I’ve distilled a simple...
3 Best Things to Help Your Struggling Reader
Why It Is Important There are three simple steps you can take to make a very positive change for your struggling reader. Reading struggles are traumatizing for children. It not only lowers their self esteem but subjects them to embarrassment and ridicule at school. I...
Free Video Training on Dyslexia
Learn How to Best Help Your Dyslexic Child Join and Get Immediate Access FREE VIDEO TRAINING Check Out Our FREE 3 Part Dyslexia Video Training Because it is so important to help a Dyslexic find success early on, we have created a Dyslexia video training. It teaches...
Letter Detail Discrimination
Over 51% of struggling readers have some visual processing challenges which inhibit Letter Detail and Letter Discrimination skills. This is not eyesight. This is how the brain processes the images from the eye and controls the eye muscles to move slowly across the...
Dyslexia Treatment
Dyslexia Treatment There are many options when it comes to dyslexia treatment. But before choosing a treatment, you need to find out what kind of dyslexia your child has. We have information on dyslexia testing with a free sample dyslexia test to check out. Once...
Dyslexia and Vision Therapy
Many people are not aware that dyslexia and vision therapy go hand in hand. Most children with dyslexia need vision therapy in addition to their other interventions. Furthermore, children with reading struggles are often misdiagnosed with dyslexia or attention issues...
Why Do Primitive Reflexes Return
I have been asked why some primitive reflexes return after doing integration therapies. Also, why do some reflexes seem to get stronger before improving while doing the integration therapies? I did some research because I was curious about it too. Previously, I had a...
Primitive Reflexes All Physical Therapists Should Know About
Primitive Reflex Integration for your physical therapy patients can make a world of difference in a short time. Primitive Reflexes have been found to cause neurological underdevelopment which affects the body’s movement, behavior, development, vision and sensory...
Make Moving With Your Child On The Autism Spectrum A Breeze With These Tips
Moving to a new home takes a lot of careful planning, no matter what the circumstances are. But when your child is on the autism spectrum, there are several important considerations to make before the big day. Ensuring your new home is safe and accessible for your...