Ways To Treat ADHD Without Medication

There are ways to treat ADHD without medication. New information coming forward now shows that there are alternative treatments for ADHD. It takes more effort than popping a pill. What I am talking about today are some daily brain exercises that are proven through a recent study at Harvard to reduce ADHD to the point that children in the study no longer met the criteria to be diagnosed as ADHD. And the best part, it was at-home exercise activities with their parents that did the trick.

Dr. Robert Melillo developed what is known as the #MelilloMethod, also known as the Brain Balance Method.  He has thousands of case studies showing its success in his clinic and centers over the past 25 years. However, many were still skeptical of his method until Harvard University contacted him a couple of years ago to do an ADHD study at Harvard of its affects on ADHD children and teens. He gave his method to them. Furthermore, his program included at-home Interactive Metronome exercises as part of the treatment. Interactive Metronome are rhythm exercises where the child gets immediate feedback as to how close to the beat they are.  These exercises together constituted the exercises for the study. The results follow.

Harvard University Study on ADHD Alternative Treatment

His method included 3 types of exercises as the at-home treatment:

Primitive Reflex Integration Exercises

Sensory exercises to the right hemisphere of the brain.

Interactive Metronome exercises (rhythm exercises)

They studied boys and girls ages 8-14 who were confirmed to have ADHD.

In just three and a half months of self-guided at-home exercises with their parents, the children improved dramatically. And 36% of the children scored 40%+ better in hyperactivity and inattention tests, making them no longer qualifiable as ADHD.

Ways to treat ADHD without Medication

 Harvard University Study on ADHD Results:

 “This is a degree of improvement that we have not previously observed in children with ADHD unless they were receiving medications, and then only if they were receiving the correct medication at the optimal dose.” Pg2

“ Note that prior to treatment the subject was in the top 3-15% of most hyperactive individuals within their age range. Following treatment their activity measures were in the 29-65% percentile indicating that they were no longer clinically hyperactive and well within normal range.”

The Method for ADHD Without Medication

Dr. Melillo did not keep the method to himself, but put it all in the book Disconnected Kids and is constantly lecturing around the world. Other countries accept it more readily than the U.S. That is until the Harvard study published in 2019. It is now beginning to make traction here in the US.

So, I Trained with Dr. Melillo

After we used it for our own children, we were so passionate about its results, that I trained with Dr. Melillo directly. And, just this month certified as an Interactive Metronome trainer.

ADHD without medication

I started an Instagram to publish short videos and pics of the exercises. Follow us to see video and pic examples of the exercises.

See other ADHD Treatments Without Medication on our blog.

ADHD Treatment Without Medication

To find the right ADHD treatment without medication, you need to know a few things first. ADHD is a brain-based issue, it can be intensified by gut issues, environment, discipline methods and more. With that said, many parents choose to go a more natural or holistic method to avoid the stimulants Ritalin and Adderall. The results vary depending on the severity of the child and the diligence of the parents. But it has definitely been done successfully with many children. See the typical ADHD symptoms.

Our daughter has shown marked improvement with the natural methods that we have taken. So, let’s talk about what I have learned.

There is no one supplement that can reverse ADHD. There are many who claim to, but there is no way a supplement or herb can solve the overactive parts of the brain without some cognitive exercises to go along with it.

ADHD is a matter of several factors. It involves neurological wiring, gut health, early development and nutrition. The good news is that it can all be helped with at-home treatments which result in a reduction of the ADHD symptoms and issues. Some parents have seen complete reversal of ADHD. Here are some of the natural treatments that we have successfully used. Here are more ways to treat ADHD without medication.

Treatment for ADHD without medication

Cognitive Exercises at-home

Studies have shown that children with ADHD have underactivity in the right hemisphere of their brain. This is coupled with higher activity in the left hemisphere. Because the left side of our brain is the activator and the right is mostly the inhibitor, there is no balance of impulse and impulse control. This is the case with their actions, social interactions, emotions, speech etc. Some simple brain activities done with the child at home can improve this imbalance remarkably and bring the right side up to balance with the left. This method was studied by Harvard University a couple of years ago and found to be very affective. We used this on our daughter and loved the results. Learn more about brain stimulation exercises for ADHD.

ADHD without medication

Coffee or Caffeinated Teas

They have found that stimulants have an opposite affect on ADHD children. Caffeine can actually help them calm and focus some. Ritalin is actually a powerful stimulant called methylphenidate, but can cause severe side effects and lose effectiveness over time.  Caffeine works on the same principle, but on a much lower level.

Guarana Herb

Guarana herb can be found on Amazon and has natural stimulants in it. Studies show improved test scores for children who take it.


Part of the symptoms of ADHD are gut related. The brain under stimulates the digestive track which leads to food intolerances and constipation. The body reacts to the intolerance by creating inflammation. This includes inflammation in the brain which aggravates brain function and will make their behavior worse. In addition, it sometimes includes achiness or swelling in their joints, specifically their ankles and knees.

Primitive Reflex Exercises:

Primitive Reflexes are the special reflexes that develop in the brain stem before birth. Most of these Primitive Reflexes go away through the first year of life as higher functions of the brain and muscle control develop. If the reflexes remain, they interfere with the neurological organization of the brain which contributes to ADHD, behavioral, social, sensory and health problems. These remaining reflexes are unnoticed muscle movements in older children and adults. They are not normally noticed if one doesn’t know what to look for. The reflexes cause them to walk apelike or with an unusual gait. They are solved through exercises.


Because of the gut issues, ADHD treatment without medication need to include added nutrients. However,  many supplements cause more inflammation in their body. Dr. Robert Melillo understood this and created supplements specific for these ADHD kiddos.

Homeopathic Drops and Pills

I have tried some calming drops, they helped somewhat especially in her nighttime bath. Lavender and Chamomile oils are known for calming and relaxation.

Things to Avoid

There are some foods that kids with ADHD should stay away from. They have a very hard time digesting the larger chain molecules in gluten and dairy. This is usually a problem because they have very limited food preferences due to their sensory issues. They usually love foods with one or both of these. Such as mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, yogurt, ice cream etc. There are great gluten free, dairy free alternatives to these on the gluten-free isles of your supermarket, or a health food store.

Red and blue food dyes are not natural and have an almost immediate affect on them. My child shows immediate twitchiness and aggression after foods and drinks with red and blue additives.

Refined sugars and corn syrups are triggers. Watch out for regular table sugar, candy, pastries, ice cream and pretty much everything good. Try to find some fun alternatives for them with natural sweeteners. We use Agave to sweeten our daughter’s food as much as possible.  In addition, there are candies with natural coloring and less refined sugars at most health food stores. If they are going to have some at a party, reduce the portion size.

Another trigger we found was peanut butter. My sister-in-law and I noticed a definite increase in ADHD type actions within a half hour of our ADHD kiddos eating peanut butter. Some theorize it is because they are GMO’d. I don’t know the cause, but the result is evident.   

Keep a journal of what they eat and their behavior. You might find other triggers specific to your child.


ADHD treatment without medication can be a real racket. In a sea of conflicting information, you could spend thousands of dollars trying everything out there. For instance, they have proven that parents of ADHD children spend thousands more per year on their children than neurotypical kiddos. The best results I have seen come from gut health and the cognitive exercises. This isn’t a quick fix, but a steady win. Furthermore, both are affordable and can be done right at home.


ADHD- Let’s Turn it Around!

ADHD is defined by a list of symptoms that include much more than attention difficulties and hyperactivity. These bright children generally have over or under active sensory processing issues. They are often intolerant to certain foods which is manifested through crazy behavior instead of hives or a sick stomach. They are often impulsive and don’t respect personal space. They have what we call ‘all or nothing’ reaction. This means that they either love or hate people and things based on their immediate interaction with them. The slightest infraction can change their love to anger. For example, they could love the little girl at school yesterday because she gave them a candy and hate her today because she looked at them wrong. There is no Gray-Area Thinking (mentioned further below).  This with the impulsivity problems makes relationships hard at school and in the family setting. Click here for a list of ADHD Symptoms.

Turn ADHD Around

The protocol in the past was to help the child cope with their disorder. Thankfully, they are learning much more about neurological development now. There are specialists now that are reporting wonderful success by exercising their sensory/motor skills and neurological connections to strengthen the weaknesses causing the misfiring of neurons that contributes to ADHD. There are centers popping up all over the U.S. that do these interventions. The good news is that they are easy enough to do right at home. We will go over them below. We tried them with our daughter, Lyla, and really saw a huge improvement. The best part was when they removed Lyla from the ‘special class’ because she started doing so well on her assignments. The teacher even said:

“I don’t know what is going on, but something has switched in Lyla. She is doing better in class, respecting the other kids personal space and having better behavior”

We noticed that she started making more friends and acting more mature. That did it for us. We were hooked and have been trying to share these interventions with as many people as we can, because they work.



 ADHD Interventions

You see, in ADHD kids and adults, there are certain parts of their neurological development that is weaker than the others. When this happens, the parts of the brain don’t connect as well. This causes a more random pattern of information flow. The Unlock Brilliance Method helps pin point these weaknesses and strengthen them. Learn more about it on our Pre-Recorded Webinar about ADHD, sensory issues, impulsivity and more.


Diet is also extremely important. There are certain foods that are know to make ADHD kids even more hyper. They get twitchy and have a hard time with eye contact and attention.  These foods get absorbed into their bloodstream without the proteins being properly broken down. They cause the child to have adrenaline rushes and go into ‘fight or flight’ mode.  There is a fabulous book called Disconnected Kids Nutrition Plan by Dr. Robert Melillo. It details what your child should be eating and why.

ADHD diet is not only about what not to eat. Eating nutritious foods full of Essential Fatty acids and Lecithin is vital to neurological function. The Lecithin helps break down the Essential Fatty Acids for the brain to use in neurological coating, firing and development. Is a matter of fact, the brain is about 30% Lecithin. Of course, there are other important nutrients that the brain requires to function properly, they are all outlined in the nutrition book we mentioned above along with some great kid-friendly recipes.

 To Medicate or Not To?

ADHD treatment without medication is real, and gaining success by many. For more on Adderall alternatives, be sure to read: https://www.cognitune.com/best-natural-adderall-alternatives/

and see the published studies on ADHD

The above mentioned interventions helped our Lyla so much. We love to hear your success stories. Email us and let us know how it is going.



How Primitive Reflexes Helped My Child’s ADHD

“Lyla is just really energetic.” This is what I though when Lyla was one year old. A year later, I just thought it was her young age. As she got older I noticed something was definitely different with her.  Her ‘energy’ had turned into ‘wild energy’ and was interfering with her being able to sit long enough to color a picture or do things typical children at her age could do. She was having a hard time keeping friends, because she was so impulsive, bouncy and twitchy. Even her own sisters were trying to avoid letting her play with them because she couldn’t play appropriately for her age. “Don’t let Lyla in”, ‘Can you keep Lyla Out?”, “Lyla breaks everything”.

My heart broke for my sweet girl. I noticed she was getting a lot of rejection not only in the family, but also with other kids her own age, and I couldn’t really blame them. Other kids her age were mature enough now to set up little castles or villages and have story lines develop with their toys. Lyla was still making her dino eat and destroy all of their village. She couldn’t sit and have lunch with kids her age. Her food was always converted into lions or something that was destructive and annoying to the other kids. She also had a super sensitive pallet. She could taste something gross in anything I served. She seemed to have Hyper-sensitivity with her sense of taste.

However, she seemed to have an underactive sense of touch. She could run across the rocky weedy ground without a problem. She would get sores on her feet from the pokey ground but didn’t bat an eye at it. She acted like she didn’t even have feeling in her body.

She also couldn’t finish anything. She couldn’t hold eye contact. She couldn’t sit long enough for a bed-time-story. She couldn’t speak well, just a line of fast gibberish, instead of composed sentences. It seemed that everyone knew Lyla was ADHD before I could admit it. I finally realized something must be done. She wasn’t growing out of it. She couldn’t live a successful life with this.

At this time, I started to study neuroplasticity (the brains ability to rewire) and the cognitive exercises that help strengthen weak connections in the brain. I was also studying Primitive Reflexes and how they can interfere with normal neurological growth. You see, I had a Dyslexic son in high school, so I was very interested in learning everything I could about it. As I studied, I learned that the exercises were super easy and could be done at home. I also learned that they applied to other developmental disorders like ADHD, ADD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism etc.


I jumped right on it with Lyla. Doing the exercises we have here on our website with her. I also found that she had retained the Moro Reflex that is typical for kids with ADHD and causes too much cortisol and adrenaline to be produced, which keeps them in fight-or-flight mode. So yes, there are ways to treat ADHD without medication.

I was astonished to see how fast it made a difference. Within three weeks, Lyla finished her dinner one night and said “Thank You for dinner. It was delicious” My jaw dropper. Two full well composed sentences and a finished meal. Wow!

Later that month, at bed time, Lyla got her little blanky and said “I want to snuggle”. Again, I couldn’t believe my ears. She really sat there for 20 minutes that night, just snuggling and listening to a book. She started respecting peoples space more. Summer came and Lyla hurt her foot going outside with bare feet. She felt it, cried and had me get her a band-aid. Probably the first time a parent was glad to have a child cry over a hurty and need a band-aid.

Lyla is doing awesome now. She is so fun and outgoing. She has long term friends now. They are always the more energetic fun ones, of course. She can hold eye contact. She still struggles with impulse, but much less. She can feel her own body now and is very expressive with her ideas. She speaks fast, but has no problem composing her sentences. At the time I write this post, she is 9 years old. She does great in school and never gets bad behavior reports. She still has a lot of beautiful energy, but can keep it in check when she needs to.


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    10 Qualities of People with ADHD

    Here at Solve Learning Disabilities, it is our mission to help kids with learning and attention issues become as happy and successful in school and life as possible. In doing so, we always like to focus on the positive! Kids with learning or attention issues are every bit as wonderful as children without. And even though we help your little one learn how to read better, or interact socially, etc., their sweet personalities remain the same. That is always our goal.

    You may see some of these qualities in loved ones you know that have ADHD, or maybe they have different qualities you have noticed. No two people are the same.

    Based off of my personal experience with my 10-year-old sister Lyla, I had so much fun writing this. ADHD has been a big part of Lyla’s life, and there have, definitely, been moments that ADHD has made life harder (learning to read, sitting still in a classroom all day, giving people personal space), but there have also been ways that it has made her who she is today. And we absolutely love that.


    Never. And I mean never, have I met a kid so adventurous. ADHD gives kids have such a fun willingness to go on adventures and try new stuff.  Sitting on the couch all day? No thanks! They’d rather be on the move.

    Excited About Life

    Whenever something fun is going on, whether it be going swimming or just dancing around in the kitchen, ADHD kids are down for it. They are excited about things to come. I love having people like this in my life. They liven me up and get me excited about all the wonderful things life holds!

    Fun Loving

    Lyla’s personality was always so black or white. She loved something, or she hated it. There wasn’t much in between. And one thing she always loved, was having fun!


    If you know anyone with ADHD, you can probably relate to this. They have all the energy in the world, something I wish that I had. From running around to telling a story, their energy is endless and infectious.

    Un-Affected by Loud Noises

    They love loud noises. When they’re in a noisy or chaotic environment, instead of being annoyed or irritated, they thrive. In fact, they are happy to contribute to the noise, lol. To them, it is just fun and they couldn’t love it more. That is such a useful quality to be able to embrace noisy situations.


    Lyla may have been a bit impulsive, and angered easily, but she also forgave quickly. She didn’t have time to hold a grudge, nor the patience. A simple apology, and you were her best friend again. If they can keep that forgiving attitude as adults, they will be wonderful people to be around.

    Risk Takers

    Instead of sitting around thinking about whether they want to do something or not, they just do it. They are willing to take risks. They are willing to take that chance. If it’s a mistake, no problem. They will move on and try something else.


    We noticed with Lyla, when she loved something, she loved it more than anything. It would take all of her focus, she would think about it and talk about it nonstop. She was fully committed to loving it, even if it was just a new toy. She would tell you everything wonderful about it, and never tire of talking about it.


    If there was something she wanted or wanted to do, she would not give up until she got it. What a great quality! I know so many people that try something and if doesn’t happen perfectly for them the first time, they give up. However, kids with ADHD are prone to trying and trying and trying.  I love people that don’t give up easily!


    ADHD can often cause kids to have poor focus, or they may start a task and get side tracked by something else. But that is just because their brain is running a million miles an hour. They are so smart, how else would they be able to speak sentences faster than most of us can even keep up? They literally have to slow down their brain just to interact with the world around them. They aren’t being naughty kids, they’re just faster than the rest of us!

    Primitive Reflex Exercise Cards and Ebook. Learning Disabilities, Primitive Reflex, Integrated Primitive Reflex, Retained Primitive Reflex, Special Needs,

    These are just ten qualities of so much more. ADHD may seem like a negative thing, but it isn’t. People with ADHD just function differently. They learn differently. And although they may have to work harder to pay attention in class, or sit still, they deserve all the love and support we have to give. Learn the other ways to treat ADHD without medication.

    Next Article: ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder – Let’s cure it!

    Also See: 8 Primitive Reflexes Every Parent Should Know About

    ADHD Treatment Without Medication is also a great article for your studies.

    For more information on Primitive Reflexes and how to integrate them, check out our Webinar or our Cards and Ebook.

    Primitive Reflex Webinar, Learning Disabilities, ADHD, Integrated Primitive Reflexes, Retained Primitive Reflexes

    ADHD Symptoms

    A child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, may sometimes act like the world just moves too slowly for them. They fidget in their seat, interrupt people, and often have fiery tempers. With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, they struggle to filter out impulses and other information coming into their brain. They will get easily distracted and may react to situations before they take time to consider consequences. Below is a list of common ADHD symptoms. Click here to read more about ADHD.

    ADHD Symptoms

    • Struggles to sustain attention
    • Doesn’t listen well
    • Doesn’t follow through with instructions
    • Doesn’t give close attention to detail
    • Interrupts others
    • Difficulty organizing tasks and activities
    • Avoids engagement in tasks that require sustained mental effort
    • Easily distracted
    • Loses things easily (toys, books, homework, etc)
    • Forgetful
    • Hot tempered
    • Fidgets with hands and feet
    • Struggles to hold still
    • Impulsive
    • Struggles to play quietly
    • May appear un-motivated
    • Has difficulty waiting their turn in games
    • May make careless mistakes

    ADHD symptoms vary from person to person and no two children are the same, so your child may display different symptoms than the ones listed above. Despite your child’s diagnosis, these interventions can be helpful.

    If you think your child has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder you should consult a professional. Becoming familiar with ADHD is important and beneficial to realize your child isn’t just being “spacey” or misbehaved.

    Click here to read more about ADHD


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      Retained Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex

      Primitive Reflex Testing

      Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR) is the foundation for head control. Baby needs it to roll, crawl, and later stand and walk. It develops in the womb and continues past the first year of life. It is usually integrated by 3 years. If not, it can cause problems.

      When a baby is laying back and the head is tilted back, the baby will stiffen the legs, bend elbows, make fists or curled fingers, and the toes will point. This is normal for an infant. As the baby matures, starts to walk and gains control over the large muscles, the Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex will integrate and disappear.

      If the Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex does not integrate, the functions that develop after do not organize correctly.

      Retained Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex Symptoms 

      • Poor balance and spatial awareness
      • Tense muscles and toe walking
      • Difficulty holding still and concentrating
      • Muscle tone issues
      • Poor posture
      • Difficulty paying attention when head is down (at a desk or reading)
      • Dyspraxia
      • Poor sense of rhythm
      • Gets motion sickness easily
      • Prefers to walk on toes
      • Speech and Auditory difficulty
      • Spatial issues
      • Bumps into things and people more than normal
      • Even if they don’t display any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to do the quick test on them, as there may be other functions that are affected by it that are still unknown.


      Check out the latest studies on Primitive Reflex Integration. My favorite is the newest study by Harvard

      Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex Tests

      This is similar to the Landau Reflex Exercise, except with feet up. Have the child lie on their stomach with arms down to the side and legs straight. Have the child raise his head, legs, and arms off the floor while keeping arms and legs straight.

      Retained TLR Learning Disability

      If they cannot keep both legs straight and hands up, the reflex is most likely still present. Exercises needed!

      Retained Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex


      Another test to check for retained Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex involves tapping the knees with the opposite hand. Have the child stand. Ask them to lift one knee and tap it with the opposite hand. Then lift the other knee and tap it with the opposite hand. If this is difficult for them, the Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex is most likely still present. Exercises needed!

      Tonic Labrynthine Reflex Exercises

      Retained Spinal Galant Reflex

      Primitive Reflex Testing

      The Spinal Galant Reflex develops in the womb at about 20 weeks gestation. It helps the baby develop the Vestibular System. In Infancy, the Spinal Galant Reflex, along with the Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR), are necessary to help the unborn infant descend down the birth canal. It also helps the baby urinate after birth. You will see the reflex in an infant if you gently stroke down one side of the lower part of the spine. The baby’s arms and legs will sway toward the direction of the stroke almost like being ticklish. If both sides of the spine are stroked at the same time it induces urination. This is normal. However, the Spinal Galant Reflex should be gone by 3-9 months as higher muscle control develops. This is called ‘integrating’. If not properly integrated, it can cause many subtle issues.


      Check out the latest studies on Primitive Reflex Integration. My favorite is the newest ADHD study by Harvard Univ. done on the Melillo Method which incorporates Primitive Reflex Integration. 

      Retained Spinal Galant Reflex Symptoms:

      • Fidgety, Hyper Activity, especially if clothes or chair brush their back.
      • If active down only one side, can cause scoliosis, rotated pelvis and lower back pain.
      • Poor concentration
      • Attention problems
      • Bedwetting long after potty training
      • Short term memory issues
      • Fidgeting and wiggly “ants in the pants”
      • Posture problems
      • Hip rotation on one side/possibly scoliosis
      • Low endurance
      • Chronic digestion problems
      • Even if they don’t display any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to do the quick test on them, as there may be other functions that are affected by it that are still unknown.

      Read More …

      Retained Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)

      Primitive Reflex Testing

      The Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex is present at birth then disappears until about 6 to 9 months. It reappears for a few months to assist in learning to crawl.

      You will notice it in a baby if you move their chin down toward their chest. The knees will bend. If you move the head up toward the back, the legs will straighten. Do not confuse this with the Landau Reflex. They are two separate reflexes.

      If this does not integrate and disappear by about 11 months, it can cause motor learning and behavior disorders. Simple exercises can solve the problem.

      Retained Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex Symptoms

      • Poor posture standing
      • Sits with slumpy posture
      • Low muscle tone
      • Ape-like walk
      • Problems with attention especially in stressful situations
      • Vision accommodation and tracking problems
      • Difficulty learning to swim
      • Difficulty reading
      • Dyslexia
      • Usually skips crawling
      • Sits with legs in a W position
      • ADD
      • ADHD
      • Hyper activity or fidgety
      • Poor hand eye coordination
      • Problems looking between near and far sighted objects, like copying from a chalkboard
      • Sloppy eater
      • Rotated Pelvis
      • Even if they don’t display any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to do the quick test on them, as there may be other functions that are affected by it that are still unknown. 


      Check out the latest studies on Primitive Reflex Integration. My favorite is the newest study by Harvard.

      Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex Test

      Have the child get down on their hands and knees, with neck straight and their body slightly forward enough to put weight over their hands. Now ask the child to lower the head bringing the chin toward the chest for a count of 7 seconds, then raise head up toward their back. Do this several times.

      Retained Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex test



      Retained Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex

      Look For:

      Back twitching. Back trying to arch up when head is up. Arms bending or body weight shifting back toward their legs when head goes up. If any of these occur the reflex is most likely still present. Exercise needed! 

      Symetrical Tonic Neck Reflex Exercises

      Retained Moro Reflex or Startle Reflex

      Primitive Reflex Testing

      The Moro Reflex develops about the thirteenth week of gestation. It develops to help protect the baby from danger sensed through the sensory system and take the first breath of life. When a newborn is startled or receives sensory input like a jarring, sudden light or sound, the arms will flail out, then baby quickly takes a deep breath, then curls up crossing both the arms and legs.

      This is an involuntary reflex that is part of normal development and should disappear between 2-4 months of age. Because this reflex is triggered by the sensory systems, it can cause an array of problems if it remains longer.

      Pediatricians will check this reflex at the baby’s 6 week appointment to make sure it is present. They seldom check in later appointments to make sure it was integrated and gone. It is not part of the pediatric list of assessments done at later appointments.

      Because of the changing environment, procedures, and lack of tummy time, more children are not integrating this reflex.


      Check out the latest studies on Primitive Reflex Integration. My favorite is the newest ADHD study by Harvard Univ. done on the Melillo Method which incorporates Primitive Reflex Integration. 

      Retained Moro Reflex Symptoms

      • Easily Distracted
      • Hypersensitive to sensory stimuli like light and sound and touch.
      • Over sensitivity to motion causing car sickness
      • Or under sensitivity to sensory stimuli
      • Overreacts
      • Impulsive and aggressive
      • Emotional immaturity
      • Withdrawn or timid and shy
      • ADD
      • ADHD
      • Autism Spectrum
      • Asperger’s
      • Sensory Disorders
      • Difficulty making friends
      • Depression
      • Dyslexia
      • Health Problems
      • Allergies and Asthma
      • Anger or Emotional Outbursts
      • Poor Balance and Coordination
      • Poor Digestion and Food Sensitivities
      • Even if they don’t display any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to do the quick test on them, as there may be other functions that are affected by it that are still unknown.


      The Moro Reflex or “Startle Reflex” is the earliest development of the “fight or flight” instinct. When frightened or threatened, it triggers “reaction” or “retraction” from the threat. Because in infancy, it is triggered by the sensory system, it will cause sensory processing problems if not integrated. Because it triggers the Adrenals to “fight or flight” mode. It causes hyper activity and attention problems. Once the adrenals quickly tire of the over stimulation, the child usually develops chronic allergies, asthma, auto immune and other health problems connected with fatigued adrenals. Furthermore, when the body is in ‘fight or flight’ mode, the brain is in an instinctual state and cannot store or recall information as well. This contributes to learning disabilities.

      The reflex can be easily integrated with about 6 weeks of simple exercises. Many of the symptoms will disappear or improve as the brain and body start to function better.


      Check out the latest studies on Primitive Reflex Integration. My favorite is the newest study by Harvard.

      Moro Reflex Test

      Have the child sit on a low chair or lay on their back. Ask them to open their arms and legs out like a starfish. Now ask them to bring them in crossing them as they curl up. You may need to demonstrate it for them or let them see the pictures below. Generally they will cross with the opposite arm from leg on top. This is normal, at first, and the way they did it when startled as an infant.

      Retained Moro Reflex test

      Now ask them to spread arms and legs out again and cross/curl up, again but with the same arm as leg on top. Right leg and right arm on top. If they are too young to know right from left, put a sticker on the back of their right hand and on their right foreleg. Ask them to cross up with stickers on top.

      Retained Moro Reflex Test

      Now do the same with the left side.

      Moro Reflex Exercise

      If they struggle doing this then the reflex is still present and needs to be integrated with “Starfish Exercises”.

      For disabled children, or children too young to follow instructions, see out Moro Reflex Test for disabled.


      Moro Reflex Exercise