5 Ways to Affordably Make Your Home a Place for Kids with ASD to Thrive

Parents of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) know life can have a lot of ups and downs. Each year, more than two million kids under the age of 15 are injured in some kind of home accident. While we try our best to protect our children, some parents — especially those whose child has special needs — have to go the extra mile. And that extra mile can sometimes be very expensive. Here are a few affordable ways you can set up your home to ensure your child with ASD has opportunities to grow, explore and thrive.


Create a Sensory Safe Space


When your child with ASD is in the throes of a meltdown, removing overwhelming stimuli can hold back the tipping point. However, it’s also helpful to have the right kind of stimuli. That’s where a calm, low-sensory room can come in handy. To help save money, use online coupons to purchase linens, lighting, and furniture that turns a bedroom into a safe space for your child to go through their emotions and come out calm and collected.


Prepare Your Child for Changes in the Home

A child with ASD might become agitated if they have to deal with unexpected or sudden changes in the home — their most familiar environment. It might be something as innocuous as hanging a brightly colored piece of art or as complicated as moving into a new house or neighborhood. Change is going to happen; it is an unavoidable part of life. So, whenever possible, try to turn these scenarios into learning opportunities by having conversations before, during and after a change in the home. Encourage them to participate as much as they want and are interested in when it comes to implementing these changes.


Utilize Textured Flooring


A child on the autism spectrum can feel more calm and grounded when they are brought back into the present moment. Access to a variety of full-body sensations like bean bag chairs, crash mats, and carpet can create this experience. Get the right amount of sensory stimulation and stay within budget by looking for items, colored gel floor tiles that squish when kids step, jump, push, touch or play on Amazon Warehouse Deals.


Swinging to Settle Down


The back-and-forth and side-to-side motion of swinging can often soothe an upset child’s sense of self and security. It can also be a good distraction — your child can sit in his swing and rock while engaging socially with family or friends. A swing suspended from a single suspension hook gives your child a cozy place to relax and settle down. You can find affordable swings by looking at used ones advertised on consignment websites like eBay and Poshmark.


Keep Clutter to a Minimum


Clutter and mess can create anxiety in many people, but kids on the autism spectrum are especially sensitive to disorder. Keep clutter to a minimum by creating organizational routines and using storage solutions that will cut down on the visual chaos of a child’s bedroom. Find deals on storage containers with lids so toys stay out of sight when they aren’t being used. Use neutral colors for furniture like bookshelves and desks that would likely hold items that can be colorful and distracting. You can get great deals on these items at stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot by taking advantage of cashback promotions and online promo codes.


Having a child diagnosed with ASD is a life-changing experience. Parents of children with autism often say that they learn more about love, kindness, and joy from their child than anything else in life. Make sure to share that love by giving your child access to the space they need to live happily, healthily and independently.


Written By: Lin Buckner

 Lin has learned through trial and error what works and what doesn’t as far as creating a sensory-friendly environment in which her autistic daughter Gracen can thrive.


How To Create A Safe, Fun, And Functional Backyard For A Child On The Autism Spectrum

Many parents view the backyard as a haven, a place where the kids can go and entertain themselves for hours on end when the weather is nice. For moms and dads who work from home or have chores to get done around the house, the backyard can be a huge help nearly all year. For families of children who are on the autism spectrum, however, it can be one more cause for worry and stress.

Making sure your home is safe and comfortable for your child is important, and that includes the exterior as well as the interior. The backyard can be a wonderful place for your child to explore and have fun, but there are several considerations to make before they do. For instance, swingsets and other play equipment should be secured and in good shape; these can become weathered throughout the seasons and require a checkup once in a while.

Keep reading for more great tips on how to create a fun and functional backyard for your child on the autism spectrum.

Check for Hazards

Since all children on the autism spectrum have very different needs, the way your backyard is set up should be specific to those. Little ones who have a tendency to wander may require secure latches on fence gates or motion sensors around the pool area (for specific pool safety tips, click here). Look for new plant growth that might be toxic, nails or screws that have fallen to the ground and can hurt small feet, and play equipment that needs maintenance.

Create a garden space

Kids love learning how things grow, and a small garden space can help teach kids of all ages responsibility and math and science concepts. Whether you want some colorful flowers or an edible garden that the entire family can enjoy, it’s important to do a little research first to make sure your garden will be a success. Preparing the soil, planning for the right amount of water and sunlight, and making sure you have the right tools are important parts of the gardening process. Read up on how to get started here.

Set up a birdwatching station

A fun, safe activity for kids of any age is birdwatching, and it can be done nearly year-round in most states. Set up an area for the birds — a feeder, a birdbath, a small house in a sturdy tree — and invest in a good set of binoculars so that everyone can take turns watching these fascinating creatures. Look for a book that will help you learn about the different birds that come through your yard, and encourage your child to look up some info on his own. The internet is a great resource for tips on fun activities that can be done in the backyard.

Go camping

Camping is a great way to get the family together for some bonding time, but you don’t have to take a road trip to do it. Set up a tent in the backyard, bring out the flashlights, and tell some spooky stories over hot dogs and s’mores. If your child is interested in joining a wilderness organization, this is a great opportunity to start teaching him about the outdoors and how to make nature work for you.

Creating a fun, functional, and safe backyard takes a little work, but once it’s done, you and your family can have a great time learning about nature and making memories all year long. Keep your child’s specific needs in mind when looking for safety hazards; this will give you peace of mind and keep your little one incident-free as he’s having fun.


Asperger's SyndromeAspergers is a developmental disorder in children that are very smart. And while specialists are finding out new information all the time, one specific cause or cure for Aspergers is still unknown. This is not a surprise to us. No two children have the same neurological wiring. Differences in gestation, birth, environment, parenting, experiences, health etc. cause differences in the wiring of the brain as it develops. Some areas connect stronger, and others have weaker connections. These weaknesses can cause developmental issues. See a list of Aspergers Symptoms here.

This is what we are about!

We find the weak connections and strengthen them. Specialists have great success using this strategy. These exercises can be done with an Occupational Therapist or right at home.

Children with Aspergers do not have all of the same challenges and symptoms. This is why it is sometimes a long process to get a proper diagnosis or lack thereof, even though they are showing many signs. But, there are some consistent traits and weaknesses that generally are found in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders such as Aspergers.

Find the weakness and strengthen it

Babies are born with reflexes known as Primitive Reflexes or Infant Reflexes. These reflexes help them through the first year of life but  go away as the baby develops muscle control, or should go away. However, quite consistently in Aspergers kids, they have some or all of these Primitive Reflexes still active. We call these the ‘trouble makers’ that interfere with cognitive development. Some specialists even theorize that they are the underlying cause of many developmental disorders. They seem to cause a weak foundation. We have seen and heard a lot of great success stories about children and adults gaining great improvement by exercising the reflexes away.

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    Asperger’s Symptoms

    It is important to know what Asperger’s symptoms are if you suspect, or know, your child has Asperger’s. You may find yourself speaking to him/her, and they won’t look you in the eye. They seem to not be listening. They will struggle socially and may have a hard time making friends. They won’t show many emotions, so it may be hard to grasp what they’re feeling. Children with Asperger’s are very intelligent and often times have an above average IQ; they just have a unique way of interacting. Below is a list of common Asperger’s symptoms. Click here to read more about Asperger’s.


    Asperger’s Symptoms.

    • Poor social skills
    • Doesn’t make eye contact
    • Doesn’t understand social cues
    • Unable to recognize subtle differences in speech (sarcasm, joking, etc).
    • Repeats themselves often
    • Shows few emotions
    • Dislikes change
    • Appear to lack empathy
    • Have a formal style of speech
    • Will be preoccupied and very knowledgeable with a few interests
    • Delayed motor development
    • Heightened sensitivity to noises, lights, textures, tastes, etc
    • Poor handwriting
    • Unusual facial expressions or postures
    • Difficulty making friends of the same age
    • Struggles with small talk
    • Speech may be monotone or robotic
    • Will have long one sided conversations without noticing if the other person is listening or uninterested
    • May perform repetitive movements (like moving their hands a certain way over and over)
    • May zone out when over stimulated
    • May engage in violent outbursts and self-injurious behavior
    • Speech often develops early
    • May have a fascination with letter and numbers

    Asperger’s symptoms vary from person to person and no two children are the same, so your child may also display different symptoms than the ones listed above. Despite your child’s diagnosis, these interventions can be helpful. Asperger’s is considered a mild form of Autism, and is more prevalent in males. Usually parents will become aware of it once their child starts preschool and begins to have more social interactions.

    Although they may struggle socially, they are brilliant and in understanding them, we can better interact in a way that will make them feel comfortable and understood.

    Click here to read more about Asperger’s.

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      Retained Spinal Galant Reflex

      Primitive Reflex Testing

      The Spinal Galant Reflex develops in the womb at about 20 weeks gestation. It helps the baby develop the Vestibular System. In Infancy, the Spinal Galant Reflex, along with the Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR), are necessary to help the unborn infant descend down the birth canal. It also helps the baby urinate after birth. You will see the reflex in an infant if you gently stroke down one side of the lower part of the spine. The baby’s arms and legs will sway toward the direction of the stroke almost like being ticklish. If both sides of the spine are stroked at the same time it induces urination. This is normal. However, the Spinal Galant Reflex should be gone by 3-9 months as higher muscle control develops. This is called ‘integrating’. If not properly integrated, it can cause many subtle issues.


      Check out the latest studies on Primitive Reflex Integration. My favorite is the newest ADHD study by Harvard Univ. done on the Melillo Method which incorporates Primitive Reflex Integration. 

      Retained Spinal Galant Reflex Symptoms:

      • Fidgety, Hyper Activity, especially if clothes or chair brush their back.
      • If active down only one side, can cause scoliosis, rotated pelvis and lower back pain.
      • Poor concentration
      • Attention problems
      • Bedwetting long after potty training
      • Short term memory issues
      • Fidgeting and wiggly “ants in the pants”
      • Posture problems
      • Hip rotation on one side/possibly scoliosis
      • Low endurance
      • Chronic digestion problems
      • Even if they don’t display any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to do the quick test on them, as there may be other functions that are affected by it that are still unknown.

      Read More …

      Retained Moro Reflex or Startle Reflex

      Primitive Reflex Testing

      The Moro Reflex develops about the thirteenth week of gestation. It develops to help protect the baby from danger sensed through the sensory system and take the first breath of life. When a newborn is startled or receives sensory input like a jarring, sudden light or sound, the arms will flail out, then baby quickly takes a deep breath, then curls up crossing both the arms and legs.

      This is an involuntary reflex that is part of normal development and should disappear between 2-4 months of age. Because this reflex is triggered by the sensory systems, it can cause an array of problems if it remains longer.

      Pediatricians will check this reflex at the baby’s 6 week appointment to make sure it is present. They seldom check in later appointments to make sure it was integrated and gone. It is not part of the pediatric list of assessments done at later appointments.

      Because of the changing environment, procedures, and lack of tummy time, more children are not integrating this reflex.


      Check out the latest studies on Primitive Reflex Integration. My favorite is the newest ADHD study by Harvard Univ. done on the Melillo Method which incorporates Primitive Reflex Integration. 

      Retained Moro Reflex Symptoms

      • Easily Distracted
      • Hypersensitive to sensory stimuli like light and sound and touch.
      • Over sensitivity to motion causing car sickness
      • Or under sensitivity to sensory stimuli
      • Overreacts
      • Impulsive and aggressive
      • Emotional immaturity
      • Withdrawn or timid and shy
      • ADD
      • ADHD
      • Autism Spectrum
      • Asperger’s
      • Sensory Disorders
      • Difficulty making friends
      • Depression
      • Dyslexia
      • Health Problems
      • Allergies and Asthma
      • Anger or Emotional Outbursts
      • Poor Balance and Coordination
      • Poor Digestion and Food Sensitivities
      • Even if they don’t display any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to do the quick test on them, as there may be other functions that are affected by it that are still unknown.


      The Moro Reflex or “Startle Reflex” is the earliest development of the “fight or flight” instinct. When frightened or threatened, it triggers “reaction” or “retraction” from the threat. Because in infancy, it is triggered by the sensory system, it will cause sensory processing problems if not integrated. Because it triggers the Adrenals to “fight or flight” mode. It causes hyper activity and attention problems. Once the adrenals quickly tire of the over stimulation, the child usually develops chronic allergies, asthma, auto immune and other health problems connected with fatigued adrenals. Furthermore, when the body is in ‘fight or flight’ mode, the brain is in an instinctual state and cannot store or recall information as well. This contributes to learning disabilities.

      The reflex can be easily integrated with about 6 weeks of simple exercises. Many of the symptoms will disappear or improve as the brain and body start to function better.


      Check out the latest studies on Primitive Reflex Integration. My favorite is the newest study by Harvard.

      Moro Reflex Test

      Have the child sit on a low chair or lay on their back. Ask them to open their arms and legs out like a starfish. Now ask them to bring them in crossing them as they curl up. You may need to demonstrate it for them or let them see the pictures below. Generally they will cross with the opposite arm from leg on top. This is normal, at first, and the way they did it when startled as an infant.

      Retained Moro Reflex test

      Now ask them to spread arms and legs out again and cross/curl up, again but with the same arm as leg on top. Right leg and right arm on top. If they are too young to know right from left, put a sticker on the back of their right hand and on their right foreleg. Ask them to cross up with stickers on top.

      Retained Moro Reflex Test

      Now do the same with the left side.

      Moro Reflex Exercise

      If they struggle doing this then the reflex is still present and needs to be integrated with “Starfish Exercises”.

      For disabled children, or children too young to follow instructions, see out Moro Reflex Test for disabled.


      Moro Reflex Exercise