Eye Patching to Help Reverse Reading Disabilities

Eye patch for visual strengthOften with challenged kids, the brain will take the input from one eye more than the other. This creates a dominant eye and the brain is more visually stimulated on one side of the brain. In this case if the left eye is dominant the right half of the brain is doing more of the processing. The other half is less stimulated and weakens.

It is important to make sure all functions are working properly so they don’t stall higher development. I recommend this exercise be done at least three times per week.

“The Pirate”

Use a comfortable eye patch. The cheap ones come apart quickly and are uncomfortable to the child. See below for our favorite.

Patch one eye for 5 minutes, then the other for 5 minutes. Let them play around or watch their favorite show during this time. Over a few weeks, try to work up to 15 minutes on each side a few days a week. We have found that offering a little ‘screen time’ while they wear it can be an incentive to keep it on.

I like putting a little essential oil out and turning on some light classical music so they are getting stimulated on their sight, sound, and smell senses all at once. I usually let this ‘screen time’ be their reward after doing their other cognitive exercises. They enjoy it while still getting more stimulation.